Why Choose Banyan for Risk Management


what we offer

When insurance protection is the right answer, we will work with you to design and deliver comprehensive, integrated, cost-effective coverage.

Workers' Compensation Cost Control and Disability Management

Optimize your business's financial stability with our Workers' Compensation Cost Control and Disability Management solutions, designed to enhance cost-effectiveness and employee well-being through efficient management of workplace injuries and disabilities.

Risk Retention and Risk Purchasing Expertise

Tap into our extensive expertise in Risk Retention and Risk Purchasing, allowing your organization to make informed risk management decisions and access tailored solutions to enhance your financial resilience.

Credit Risk Assessment and Management

Explore our comprehensive Credit Risk Assessment and Management Solutions to safeguard your financial interests, ensuring sound decision-making and protection against potential credit-related pitfalls.

Risk Retention and Risk Purchasing

Discover the strategic advantages of risk retention and risk purchasing groups, empowering your organization to manage and mitigate risks effectively while optimizing cost-saving opportunities.

Our experienced teams take an enterprise-wide approach, consulting closely with you to identify, analyze and manage the broadest possible range of business and individual risk. We believe that the best way to manage risk is to eliminate or reduce it whenever this is possible.

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Tailored Insurance Solutions for Comprehensive Protection


Our team of skilled risk management professionals will work closely with you to identify, evaluate, and prioritize potential risks. Whether it's insurance coverage, safety protocols, or compliance measures, we provide tailored solutions that ensure your business is prepared to face any challenges with confidence.

Program and Strategy Exposure Analysis

Risk Control Consulting

Claims Management and Loss Mitigation

Captive and Self-insurance Analysis

Mergers and Acquisition Analysis

Managing Executive Liability and Corporate Governance Risks

Tailored Risk Assessment

We go beyond typical insurance brokerage services – we become your risk management partner. Our unwavering commitment means we're there to provide ongoing support and guidance.

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